Apply for Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS)


Getting DDD is the first step to get access to Arizona’s Medicaid funding you also have to become an ALTCS member. This process has a few steps in it.

1.Financial Interview

ALTCS members cannot have more than $2,000 in their name. If your child has an ABLE account or has money in a Special Needs Trust, that is okay. It is not okay if your child has money in their name in a typical bank account if that amount exceeds $2,000.

2.PAS Interview

A parent interview will be completed at home. The interviewer will have to see the child, but the child doesn’t have to stay home the whole time. Arizona is a one-party state, and if you would like to you can record the interview. Any notes the interviewer takes area part of your child’s medical history, you are allowed to make copies or take pictures of those notes.

As you answer the questions, you should answer no if your child doesn’t do something 100% of the time or if their disability prevents them from doing the described activity the way a typical child would do it. If your child has an IEP or other medical records, they will most likely collect those and compare your answers to those documents.

To qualify for ALTCS, your child will have to score 40 points or more on the PAS evaluation. If your child does not pass, you can call and request your child’s score and ask to see how the interviewer scored it. If the answers recorded by the interviewer do not match the answers you have given (which you can refer back to with your recording), you can dispute the results. If it is close, you can also dispute the results.

The PAS tool changes as your child ages: Click on the link below for the PAS tool that would apply to your child

PAS-Age 0-5
PAS-Age 6-11
PAS-Age 12 +

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