School Safety

School safety has become an important topic for all children but especially for children who have disabilities. These conversations can sometime be difficult to have, but they are vital to ensuring that our children are as safe as possible especially in emergency situations. During this webinar Courtney will talk about how to start those conversations with your child’s teachers and school administrators.

If you don’t have time to watch the full webinar here are some take-aways:
1. Talk to your principle about the school emergency safety plan.
2. Ask questions about different scenarios that might occur in your child’s school.
3. Make sure there are plans for the entire school day and different locations at school.
4. Ask if your child’s class is participating in emergency drills.
5. Think about providing the school comfort items for your child.
6. If you can attend school board meetings and be a voice for our community.
7. Help your teachers advocate for the things they need to keep your child safe.
8. Think about how you are communicating with the school: in-person or in-writing.
9. Consider the tone and language you use in those communications.
10. On a bigger picture what could the legislative body be doing to affect change. Call your local
elected official and have a conversation about school safety with them.

Bio: Courtney Burnett. Courtney works as a speech therapy assistant in her community and works as an IEP Coach helping families navigate special education. Courtney has a passion for inclusion and accessibility within her community, she volunteers as a parent legislative advocate working to develop local legislation to support people with disabilities. You can reach Courtney via email at [email protected], and you can check out her website at

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