Webinar: Feeding Matters

Feeding Matters was created in 2006 to help parents have a child with a Pediatric FeedingDisorders (PFD).It is estimated that more than 2.3 million children under the age of 5 in the United States suffer from PFD. Since its inception, Feeding Matters has moved mountains to get PFD recognized as a childhood disorder and focuses on the medical, nutrition, feeding skill and psychological aspects of this disorder. Feeding Matter takes a well-rounded approach to helping parents navigate having a child with a feeding disorder by conducing medical studies, linking parents with medical doctors in their area who can help them, and connecting parents to other parents who have a child with the same disorder. Watch this webinar and learn all about the amazing strides this organization has taken to help parents feed their children.

Bio: Heidi Van der Molen is the mother to a charming son who has pediatric feeding disorder(PFD), Heidi Van der Molen is uniquely suited to help families in the midst of their own journeys with PFD. After three years as a passionate volunteer with Feeding Matters, Heidi officially joined the organization in 2015–managing the organizations’ volunteers and family support programs, including Power of Two parent-to-parent coaching, caregiver guide, and educational family support offerings.

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