What’s Your 2020 Story?

This year we have all experienced an extraordinary event together- a global pandemic.

This year was unlike any other year we have ever experienced and most likely something that we will never experience again.

We have isolated, we have home schooled, we have tried to do teletherapy, we may have lost jobs, and we may have lost loved ones.

This year’s story- like every year, every month, every day- is a story we get to write.

You get to decide what your 2020 story is.

Were you tested?

Did you overcome it?

Were you quarantined?

Did you get a chance to spend more time as a family?

Were you unable to see your loved ones?

Did you realize just how much they mean to you?

Were you responsible for your child’s learning?

Did you grow to appreciate the amazing teachers in your life?

Going into 2020 did you think that as a mother you were giving all that you had to give, that every day you were spending all the energy you could muster, and then you were asked to do more… and did you?

This year my story is one of resiliency and growth. Of learning to handle more than I ever thought possible. Of working at home while having two children at home doing therapy in the next room. Of trying to help my son with online teaching, while greatly appreciating the amount of work, energy, and effort that his teacher puts into his learning. Of marveling at my son’s ability to learn and grow despite the curve balls thrown at him this year. Of delighting in seeing the growth and development of my daughter, she desperately misses her friends, but she has grown so much this year at home.  Of appreciating my husband and all the work he does for our family and the amazing amount of time we got to spend with each other this year. Of building deep relationships with co-workers and disability advocates.

This year has been trying, but you can write your story.

You can shape the narrative of your life.  

So what is your 2020 story?

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