After both of her children were diagnosed with autism, Michele Thorne recognized the urgent need for comprehensive support for parents. In response, she founded D.A.M.E.S LLC, which later evolved into Care 4 the Caregivers. As CEO, Michele is dedicated to developing programs, events, and support groups that assist parents in raising disabled children.
Before founding D.A.M.E.S, Michele worked as a geneticist at TGen. She holds an undergraduate degree in Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology, as well as a Master of Science degree from Arizona State University. Michele also served as an adjunct professor, revised biological manuals for ASU, published peer-reviewed journal articles, and authored a STEM picture book series.
Following her children’s diagnosis, Michele became a Certified Autism Specialist and established the Care for the Giver Conference. She is a graduate of the Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona Partners in Leadership program. Michele has received training as a Flourishing Families Practitioner, a Protective Factors Trainer, and a Triple P Stepping Stones Practitioner. Additionally, she serves on the ALTCS Advisory Council as a parent representative and is a member of the ICC Financial Committee.