If you get approved for DDD and ALTCS here is what can be covered for your child:
Home Health Aide
Home Health Nurse
Day treatment
Employment Services
Home modifications
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Physical Health Services
- Ambulatory surgery
- Anti-hemophilic agents and related services
- Audiology
- Behavioral Health
- Chiropractic services 21
- Dental services–For members who are 21 years of age and older. These dental services are limited to a total of $1000 for each 12-month period, includes: ◦ Treatment of a medical condition such as acute pain (not Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction-TMJ pain except for reduction of trauma) ◦ Treatment for infection or fracture of the jaw ◦ Exam with problem and treatment of the oral cavity ◦ Required radiographs ◦ Complex oral surgical procedures ◦Appropriate anesthesia ◦ Prescription of pain medication and antibiotics ◦ Prophylactic extraction of teeth in preparation for radiation treatment of cancer of the jaw, neck or head ◦ Other dental services, including dentures.
- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
- Early detection health risk assessment, screening, treatment, and primary prevention
- Emergency services
- Eye examinations/optometry
- Family planning
- Foot and ankle services
- Hospital services
- Immunizations
- Incontinence supplies
- Laboratory
- Maternity services
- Medical foods
- Medical supplies, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), orthotic, and prosthetic devices
- Medically-necessary pregnancy termination (including Mifepristone [Mifeprex] or RU-486)
- Nutrition
- Oral health
- Physician services
- Podiatry services
- Post-stabilization care services
- Pre-natal HIV testing and counseling
- Prescription medications
- Primary Care Provider (PCP) services
- Radiology and medical imaging
- Rehabilitation therapy 22
- Transplantation of organs, tissue, and related prescriptions
- Transportation
- Triage/Screening and evaluation
- Vision Services/Ophthalmology/Optometry
- Well visitsBehavioral Health Services
- Behavior Analysis Services
- Behavior Management (personal care, family support/home care training, peer support)
- Behavioral Health Case Management Services (with limitations)
- Behavioral Health Nursing Services
- Emergency Behavioral Health Care
- Emergency and Non-Emergency Transportation
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Individual, Group and Family Therapy, and Counseling
- Inpatient Hospital Services
- Non-Hospital Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities
- Laboratory and Radiology Services for Psychotropic Medication Regulation and Diagnosis 25
- Opioid Agonist Treatment
- Partial Care (supervised day program, therapeutic day program, and medical day program)
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation (living skills training; health promotion; supportive employment services)
- Psychotropic Medication Adjustment and Monitoring
- Rehabilitation Services (living skills training; health promotion; supported employment services)
- Respite Care (with limitations)
- Rural Substance Abuse Transitional Agency Services
- Screening